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Daytime Dig Turtle Walks 

Friends of the Carr invite you to join us for a memorable stroll on the sands of Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. 


Florida's beaches, especially along the east central coast in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, provide nesting habitat for more nesting loggerhead turtles than any place in the Western Hemisphere and more green turtles than any place in North America.


During August through September, Friends of Carr volunteers take turtle walk attendees onto the beach to view hatched sea turtle nests. 


Sometimes, hatchling washbacks occur (a washback is when a hatchling didn't successfully make it's voyage to the ocean) and this allows Friends of Carr the opportunity to share a hatchling release with our Daytime Dig Turtle Walk attendees. This experience isn't guaranteed on every walk, it just depends on timing and mother nature. 


Turtle Dig attendees meet at the Barrier Island Center and then head out to the beach together as a group. There is plenty of parking. 


It's advised to bring water and sunscreen and wear comfortable, casual attire.

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Special Recognition 


Without the generous support from our volunteers, the Barrier Island Sanctuary and the Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) Program, our turtles walks would not be possible.  

2024 Turtle Nest Digs



4055 Wildlife Way
Vero Beach, FL 32963-9446

(Business office, not visitor's center) 


Phone: 321-872-8856


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